Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yolanda Strikes Capiz!

Capiz on Super Typhoon Yolanda

The state of calamity has already been declared in the whole province of Capiz after being battered by super typhoon Yolanda last Friday November 8.

Based on the aerial survey of the Philippine Air Force and the Philippine Army, the province has suffered a massive damage in infrastructure and agriculture.
Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC) says over 20,000 families were affected by Yolanda from the towns of Panitan, Pres. Roxas, Sapi-an and Dao.
Meanwhile this figure does not include those affected from the towns of Pana-ay, Pontevedra, Pilar, Maayon, Ivisan, Sigma, Mambusao, Dumaro, Dumalag, Jamindan, Tapaz and Cuartero.

Source: http://philnews.ph/2013/11/10/state-of-calamity-declared-in-capiz-on-super-typhoon-yolanda/

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